Chatham Nursery School Birth to Five

Equalities Policy


Our mission is to provide a caring, safe and stimulating environment in which all children and families are welcomed, valued and feel able to contribute. We promote each child’s learning and social development and share achievements with their families so that they can be proud of their child and have high expectations of them.

To achieve this all staff, governors, parents, carers and pupils will be actively involved in developing, implementing and evaluating the school’s equal opportunities policy. It is expected that all members of the school community will understand their role in supporting and implementing the policy.

Statements of Principle 

  • We respect and value the linguistic, cultural and religious diversity which the children bring to our school and which exists in the wider community.
  • We are committed to challenging attitudes that promote discrimination on grounds of race, gender, social circumstances or ability.
  • We actively promote respect for all and prepare all pupils for life in a culturally diverse society.
  • We recognise that it is the responsibility of every member of our school community to ensure that this ethos is actively and consistently reflected in our practice.

Inclusion Commitment 

We aim to demonstrate our commitment to the principals of equal opportunities through:

  • Fostering a respect for all groups and individuals within the context of Human Rights. 
  • Actively promoting positive non-discriminatory behaviour.
  • Ensuring appropriate support to avoid the isolation of any individual or group within the school.
  • Insuring we have high expectations of all.

Ensuring representation of a wide range of heritages within our curriculum and welcoming as wide a range of heritages within the school community.

Staff and Pupils Attitudes, Values and Personal Development 

In our school we will:

Enable our pupils and staff to develop a critical awareness of diversity and equality. Enable our pupils and staff to have the confidence and skills necessary to challenge instances of prejudice, intolerance and discrimination. Equip our pupils and staff to understand the reason, logic and sensitivity needed to resolve disagreement or conflict. Encourage a willingness by all to learn from different cultures, faiths and beliefs. Recognise the importance of language to a person’s sense of identity and belonging. Also to see a pupil’s language abilities as a resource and a strength. Ensure that pupils have the opportunities to receive the support and guidance they may need in accordance with their personal, physical, social, emotional or cultural circumstances. Ensure that pupils develop skills to help them communicate effectively and to defend their own opinions.

Learning and Teaching 

In our school we will ensure that: Teaching methods and styles take full account of the needs of all the pupils in terms of access, positive attitude and preferred learning styles. The curriculum will take account of the personal, social and cultural breadth and that activities will encourage positive attitudes towards difference and diversity. The children will learn about the nature of equality and fairness as it affects various groups within the context of rights and responsibilities of being a member of our wider society.

Staff recruitment and Retention 

The school will recognise the value of diversity in the school staff and governing body and will ensure that when recruiting they do not discriminate against an individual because of their ethnicity, age, gender or social circumstances. A demonstrated commitment to race equality and all issues of equal opportunities will be a criterion for selection of all new staff.

Parents and the Wider Community 

We seek to work in partnership with parents and to take positive steps to ensure that physical, social, linguistic, ethic, or cultural diversity is not a barrier to any parent being able to contribute to school life. We seek where possible to access the skills, knowledge and experience of all groups, to widen the diversity of experience offered to the pupils.


We will collect data on attainment by ethnicity, age, gender and social circumstances.

We will use this data to examine our effectiveness and any trends in children’s progress and development. The results of such analysis will be used to plan positive changes and to address the challenges they present. Decisions made will be used to maintain and develop our successes. We will monitor the impact of our ‘Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy’ on individuals and groups with specific regard to racist incidents, racial harassment and bullying. We will ensure the protection of equal opportunities through curriculum management in the selection of materials, topics and through organising a wide range of experiences. We will seek opportunities to draw on experiences and skills on all pupils, staff and the wider community. We will report to the governing body on the impact of the Equal Opportunities policy. In monitoring and reviewing all policies within a cycle, the school will ensure that the implications of race equality and equal opportunities are considered and amendments are made as appropriate.

Indicators of Success 

  • Achievement for all groups
  • Children who can articulate why valuing diversity is important, in an age appropriate way
  • A diverse curriculum
  • Active parental involvement
  • A governing body committed to diversity
  • Effective responses to incidents of harassment based on race, gender, age, culture or physical difference.
  • A successful working team of pupils, staff, parents and governors.
  • A low level of complaint.

We will systematically assess, evaluate and review the impact of our school policies and practice, on the life, attitudes and achievement of groups and individuals amongst our pupils and staff.

For further information on the Equality Act 2010 please see the document published by the DfE ‘Equality Act 2010: Advice for School Leaders ity_Act_Advice_Final.pdf

8 Monitoring and review 

  • This policy was agreed and implemented on 6th July 2023 and is due
    for review July 2024

There will be ongoing monitoring of this policy as some aspects may require amending/updating before the review date should there be any incidents which take place relating to it that give cause for concern.