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Executive Headteacher: Andrea Connearn
Head of School: Francesca Turner
Day-care Nursery Manager: Rachel Rodick
For queries contact:
Karen Sonmez (Admin Officer)
Chatham Nursery School is federated with St Hugh’s Catholic Primary School and Picton and Kensington Children’s Centre and has the same Headteacher.
We all work together to improve the education and care of the children we serve.
Tuesday 3rd September – Friday 20th December
Half term Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November
INSET Day Monday 2nd September
Tuesday 7th January – Friday 4th April
Half term Monday 17th – Friday 21st February
INSET Day Monday 6th January
Tuesday 22nd April – Friday 18th July
Bank Holiday Monday 5th May
Half term Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May
INSET Days Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd July