NAME OF CHILD……………………………………………………………..
- I understand that my child must be collected by a parent /carer and that if the nominated adult is unable to collect the child then the nursery must be informed in advance of alternative arrangements. YES NO
- I understand that in the event of my child not being collected and without contact with parent/carer within an hour of the expected pick up time the Head Teacher is authorised to contact the police/ social services. YES NO
- I understand that staff are trained to notice signs of neglect or abuse, and will follow the local area child protection guidelines. YES NO
- I give permission for nursery to apply face paints to my child. YES NO
- I understand that for children attending a three hour session that parents/carers are required to apply sunscreen prior to the child arriving at school. YES NO
- I understand that school will provide a sun hat if a hat is not provided by home. YES NO
- I understand that school will provide sunscreen if sunscreen is not provided by home.
(For children attending a full time session only) YES NO
I give permission for my child to receive
- Emergency medical treatment YES NO
- Basic First Aid YES NO
- Use of hypoallergenic plasters YES NO
Photographic Consent
Photographs and video footage will be taken regularly to update your child’s file. Photographs may also be used for other purposes.
I agree to my child’s image being used for:
- Internal publicity. Notice / display boards and TV screens within the centre training for purposes. YES NO
- External publicity. Nursery website flyers leaflets YES NO
- Home / school information. Newsletters, leaflets and photographs of friendship groups in children’s files. YES NO
The Agreement
The Parent/Carer has been taken through each point of the Starter Pack with a member of Staff and has had the opportunity to exclude or amend any point of the pack that they are not in agreement with.
Name of Child……………………………………………………………………………….
Name of Parent/Carer……………………………………………………………………
Signature of Parent/Carer………………………………………………………………
Name of Staff Member……………………………………………………………………
Children who are unwell need individual attention as they become tired, distressed and less able to cope with the demands of a busy nursery environment. They are almost certain to transmit infections to other children and adults, which may result in staff being absent and other parents having to take time from work or study.
Therefore, parents are requested not to bring sick children into nursery.
If a child is suffering from any of the conditions please note that parents will be asked to keep their children at home for a specified time period:
- Diarrhoea – 48 hours
- Vomiting – 48 hours
- Conjunctivitis – 48 hours
- Doubtful rash – 48 hours
- Chicken pox – 7 days from when rash first appears
- Mumps – 7 days minimum or until swelling subsides
- Measles – 7 days from when the rash first appeared
If there are any changes of address, telephone number, mobile number or doctor’s details, it is imperative that parents fill out a new contact sheet.
Children are encouraged to explore the environment indoors and outdoors and will engage in messy and wet play. Please ensure that your child/children wear appropriate footwear i.e. full shoe / trainer. Protective clothing is provided in wet and messy play but accidents will always happen. It is advisable that best clothes be kept for weekends. Please label all clothing. Please place a spare set of clothes in the yellow bag provided on your child’s peg.
Children who wish to celebrate their birthday in school are to bring in a cake only.
Nursery places are extremely limited. If a child has regular and/or consistent absences, parents should be aware that there is a danger of their child’s nursery place being removed in order for another child to access their provision. If your child is absent from nursery please notify the Nursery as soon as possible on 0151 233 1200.
Only small studded earrings permitted.
Morning Session 8.45 am – 11.45 am (Doors open at 11.30 am)
Afternoon Session 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm
- I would be happy for my child to be observed by students. YES NO
- I agree to give a voluntary contribution of £1 per week towards the provision of a healthy snack. YES NO
Written notification of trips requiring transport will be given in advance.
- I understand it is necessary for parents/carers to accompany their child on AT LEAST their first outing. YES NO
- I give permission to be taken out locally on foot and on the school minibus without prior notification. YES NO
- I understand that staff do not administer medicines but will support your child with the use of prescribed inhalers and in the administration of prescribed skin cream. YES NO
Please state any religious/dietary needs: